How Do You Define Proofread? (2)n a fun twist on defining “proofread,” I decided to use each letter to come up with what proofreading means to me.

Providing the best product possible is the goal of proofreading.

Reading, and reading again, to make sure your document says what you think it says and says it correctly.

Outline defined terms in a second screen so you capitalize those throughout your document as defined and so you only define it once.

Organize what you need. If you’re reviewing a hard copy, have a red pen, good lighting, and a closed door if possible. If you’re reviewing online, you need good lighting, redlining on (easiest with no markup showing so you can see how it really looks), and a closed door if possible.

Formatting the document so that it looks good, margins are the same throughout, spacing is good, font is the same, no widow or orphan lines straggling on any page, and if necessary, it meets the court rules for formatting.

Redline your suggested edits so the author can see what you are suggesting be changed so you are not changing the entire meaning of the language.

Everything should be reviewed. Proofread your emails, letters, documents, and anything else that you are involved in and that reflects you.

Allow time to read the entire document through and to make any edits that are necessary.

Delete commas. Most people use far too many commas, but you have to understand the use of commas before you just start deleting them.


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