I saw this in a local business newspaper. It illustrates the problem with reflexive pronouns. Those are the “-self” words like myself, herself, himself. Read this post on reflexive pronouns to help you avoid the improper use of the “-self” words.

I saw this in a local business newspaper. It illustrates the problem with reflexive pronouns. Those are the “-self” words like myself, herself, himself. Read this post on reflexive pronouns to help you avoid the improper use of the “-self” words.
A loyal Proof That reader sent this to me. For some reason, I always hold teachers and government workers to a higher standard. I know I shouldn’t, but I do. And I always like to check to make sure there isn’t another meaning for what I think is a misspelled word, but this at the top of my Google search says it all:
I caught this picture at a gas station in Albuquerque this past weekend. One thing they had going for them is that it was the same on two sides of the sign and consistency is a good thing. At first I thought it might have been a spacing issue, particularly since another side of the sign spelled “Red Bul” with only one “t,” but looking at the picture again, I don’t really think that is it.