I Feel Good But Not Well

I don’t get sick often, but every once in a while something comes along to kick my butt. The latest “cold” has done just that. Three days in bed, missing my personal blog post deadline, and missing a day of work later, I’m feeling semi-human and thought being sick opened a whole new topic!

Good and well are misused a lot.  Good is an adjective.

  • She did a good job on the project the boss gave her.

Well is usually used as an adverb with action verbs, but can be used as an adjective when referring to someone’s health.

  • She ran well

It is not proper, however, to say “She ran good” because “ran” is an action verb.

  • He said he didn’t feel well when he woke up that morning.

Good can also be used with linking verbs. For instance in the response to “How are you?” it is perfectly acceptable to answer “I am good” when they are inquiring about your general status. If you are recovering from a long illness and someone asks how you are, saying “I am well” indicates to them that you are healthy.

To feel well means “to be in good health” and to feel good means “to be in good spirits.”

Once I get completely over this illness, I am hoping to be a healthy person. Healthy means to be in good health and healthful is to promote health (like healthful food).

One more illness-related set of words that are confused a lot are nauseous and nauseated.  Nauseous means to induce nausea so a pile of something disgusting makes you feel nauseous, but if your stomach is upset, you feel nauseated.

So I am good, I feel well (at least better anyway), and I do not feel nauseated. Things are looking up!

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