Happy Blogiversary to Me!

This past Wednesday marked the two-year blogiversary of Proof That blog. When I started posting, I wasn’t sure thereBlogiversary 2 would be an audience or how long I would have enough material to continue. Thanks to all of you who send me some of the greatest Grammar Giggles ever, tell me you love the blog when I have no idea you even read it, and send me ideas for topics, Proof That keeps going. There are lots of things that could be improved–I could get back on a more regular schedule, I could post more guest posts (hint, hint!), I could, I should, I would . . . but at this point in my life/career/can’t-keep-my-dang-hand-down volunteerism I’m doing the best I can and Proof That seems to be making at least some kind of impact. What more could I ask for? So when all is said and done, I’m pretty damn proud of this little blog and I hope you enjoy it and learn at least a little something every once in a while. Here’s to at least a couple more years of Proof That! I couldn’t do it without YOU and truly can’t thank you enough for your support! KEEP PROOFING!


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