A NALS friend in Florida sent this one to me. This is a very common mistake, but it is obviously incorrect and should be “trial.”

A NALS friend in Florida sent this one to me. This is a very common mistake, but it is obviously incorrect and should be “trial.”
My sister-in-law sent this to me. I glanced quickly and didn’t find it right away until she told me. It should be “ginger,” but it definitely is not.
My daughter snapped this picture of a globe at an indoor flea market. I think she noticed it right away because she grew up in Arizona and now lives in New Mexico . . . or maybe that should be reversed.
This is an old picture of a sign my local City used to notify people in a neighborhood where repaving would be happening not to park on the street. But exactly WHEN is the repaving happening?
I saw this sign in my neighborhood. It would probably be more persuasive if the largest word on the sign was spelled correctly.
I saw this sign while waiting for lunch at a local eatery. This might have been a choice for me because I love a Reuben sandwich, but I’m not sure what makes it a Rubben sandwich, so I went with something else.
I saw this on another proofreading page I follow on Facebook, but since it is related to the legal field, I had to use it! I did check online to make sure it was legit, and apparently the error first appeared in a subreddit after a Threads post included the picture of a ceremony installing the newest members of the Louisiana Bar Association and the Louisiana Supreme Court Committee. Whoops! As I say, proofread EVERYTHING! And if you send printing out, please carefully review the proof that they send you for approval before printing.