Happy Blogiversary!

As hard as it is for me to believe, this labor of love has been going for five years today! What have I learned in those five years? 
1. That blogging isn’t easy.

2. That people actually read the blog.

3. That people around the world find Proof That blog by interesting Google searches.

4. That talking to people who read it and have ideas for topics is super rewarding.

5. That something I kind of started on a whim is now a passion.

For all those things, I thank you, my faithful readers. Thank you for reaching out with potential topics or with your own Grammar Giggles (and please keep them coming!). Thank you for stopping me when you see me at a conference or online to let me know you’re reading and getting something useful out if it. Most of all, thank you for continuing to read, for gently correcting me when I screw up, and for giving me faith that I just might be making a difference in this big ole world. 

So happy 5th blogiversary to everyone who has subscribed, stumbled upon, and shared this blog with others. You are why we keep doing what needs to get done. 

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One Response to Happy Blogiversary!

  1. Steph says:
