Today is the day seven years ago that I thought I might have something to share with others tasked with proofreading and Proof That blog was born. Since that day, there have been 810 posts, 150,000 views, and 116 followers. Thank you to all who read the posts faithfully and encourage me to continue. It is truly a passion project for me. The only gift I want for this 7th blogiversary is that you share the blog with others who might find some helpful information here. Since Facebook has a tendency to get wonky from time to time, you will be sure not to miss a post if you subscribe to get notification by email when new posts appear. Find the “Subscribe to Blog Via Email” in the upper right-hand corner, enter your email address, and click “Subscribe.” It’s as easy as that!

I plan to continue with the Grammar Giggles, Confusing Words of the Week, and blog posts. If there is something that would be helpful for you, please let me know. If you have something to share with my readers and would like to guest post, please let me know that too. And remember that there is a Proof That Facebook page as well!
I am definitely blessed by this blogging experience and I expect it to continue as long as there are grammar errors in the world (so, like, forever!). Don’t forget if you can snap a picture of a Grammar Giggle and send that to me, along with a description of where you took the picture, it could show up in a future post. Just send it to [email protected].
I know I haven’t been consistent in my blog posts, but sometimes life gets in the way. Thank you for not giving up on me! Here’s to another seven years of Proof That proofreading blog!