A friend sent this one to me. I hope you have had a giggle this week with my Christmas-themed Grammar Giggles! Thank you for another year for Proof That proofreading blog.

A friend sent this one to me. I hope you have had a giggle this week with my Christmas-themed Grammar Giggles! Thank you for another year for Proof That proofreading blog.
This one made me laugh a little. The last person I want to repel is Santa! According to Dictionary.com, “repelling” means to “to drive or force back (an assailant, invader, etc.),” while “rappelling” (which I’m pretty sure is the word they were looking for) means “the act or method of moving down a steep incline or past an overhang by means of a double rope secured above and placed around the body, usually under the left thigh and over the right shoulder, and paid out gradually in the descent.” Also, I’m not quite sure why the headline says this is in Germany, but the next line says it is at a volcano in Mexico. Someone didn’t get their facts quite right.
A friend sent this one to me. It’s obvious they meant to say it was a wrapping paper “cutter,” but left one of the letters out, which is still a word and spell check wouldn’t have caught it.
Another example of an errant apostrophe. What does the Christmas Eve dinner special own? That is the only time an apostrophe would be appropriate here. Otherwise, you are talking about multiple (or plural) Christmas Eve dinner specials, so just using the “s” is correct.
We will have a Christmas-themed Grammar Giggle every day this week. Hopefully, you will get a smile and learn something from them. So here is Day 1! I found this one in my email. This was so full of errors that it is obvious it isn’t from Wells FARGO, but is instead from another of those groups that attempt to get your personal information by sending emails that appear to be from legitimate companies. It might be easier for some of them if their grammar was better.
I took this picture while I was a passenger on a recent trip. The word should be “benefits” and is misspelled.