Grammar Giggles – Please Read The Sign Please

Another sign furnished by my granddaughter from the mail room at her apartment complex. Not only do they ask you super politely to not use this door by saying please twice, but they ask you to used the other door all while they are able to spell inconvenience correctly.

Used other door

Grammar Giggles – Albuquer . . . Wait, Where?

Driving down a main Phoenix street the other day and this caught my eye. Probably because a family member lives in Albuquerque so I actually use it more than usual and have to say it in my head by syllable to get it right, but obviously the sign painter for this local bus company didn’t pronounce the syllables correctly.

bus bus2

Grammar Giggles – Email Matters

Make sure you check ALL parts of an email before you send it. And make sure your autosignature is correct! This was in an email I received from local counsel’s office–more than once. I finally told this person so we’ll see if it is changed in the next email or if I just offended them.


Grammar Giggles – Clearanced Priced

I rarely watch commercials–either I’m watching TV from a DVR or I am doing something else while commercials are on, but I caught this local bedding store ad yesterday during the news and had to use it here. I’ve heard of “Clearance Priced” but not “Clearanced Priced.” I’m sure they paid a lot of money for this advertisement to air multiple times, including on the local news program, so these kinds of errors are just plain embarrassing!

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