Grammar Giggle – The Pilgrims, Then, and Than

I found this one on Google. Unfortunately, I can believe that someone at the History Channel made this error because lots of people do. I even made it in a post once and even admitted it (here). But really. then and than are not that difficult. Then has an element of time (and then and time both have the letter “e”). Than refers to a comparison (and than and comparison both have the letter “a”). So now that you know better, here is day 2 of Thanksgiving Grammar Giggles.

Thanksgiving Tuesday

Grammar Giggle – Happy Thanksgiving Week

In honor of Thanksgiving this week, we will post a Grammar Giggle that is somehow related to our holiday each day. I do hope that you are thinking of all you have to be thankful for and will allow me to say “Thanks” for supporting this crazy blog by contributing and by following. I am truly thankful for you. Now on to our Monday Grammar Giggle.

This sign is just a hot mess.


Grammar Giggle – No Job Too Big, Too Small, or To Be Done Correctly

This one comes from Twitter. The confusion between to, too, and two is high, but signmakers need to do more than use the “that’s the way they gave it to me” excuse. Between a few people, one can hope that someone would get it right. Then again . . .

lawn service2

Grammar Giggle – Become Legal Secretary

This was in my Facebook feed and is such a hot mess it makes my head hurt. Here are just a few of the problems I see: (1) not all legal secretaries are female; (2) not all women have long flowing manes (and the graphic is not entirely professional or appropriate); and (3) do the finest become legal secretarIES or do they become A legal secretary. I hope no one is paying money for this …shirt

Grammar Giggles – This Error is Imossible to Forget!

I found this one in an email I received. It was correct when I clicked on the link, but incorrect in the email. This is not a very good advertisement for a company that engraves things as their business. Just a little extra time can make all the difference in the world!

Things Remembered

Grammar Giggle – That’s Some Arts & Crafts Program!

As most of you know, I have a very low tolerance for errors by schools. I understand they are people too, but I hold them to a higher standard just because teaching proper grammar is part of their business and this kind of stuff isn’t that hard–just plain inattention. This Giggle was forwarded to me by a friend and I love receiving any Grammar Giggles you might find.


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