I saw this sign in my neighborhood. It would probably be more persuasive if the largest word on the sign was spelled correctly.

I saw this sign in my neighborhood. It would probably be more persuasive if the largest word on the sign was spelled correctly.
I saw this sign while waiting for lunch at a local eatery. This might have been a choice for me because I love a Reuben sandwich, but I’m not sure what makes it a Rubben sandwich, so I went with something else.
I’M BACK! With apologies for the very long delay in posting here, I’ve decided that not having a 9-5 regular schedule is not good for me and causes me to “later” every damn thing. But I’m going to try to get back on schedule with this blog. Thanks for the encouragement!
This was a local ad for an Oktoberfest event to be held on Ocotber 26. Since it’s the largest font on the page, it seems that someone should have noticed that.
My daughter-in-law forwarded this to me. It looks to me like someone was trying to make sure each word was capitalized but forgot to delete the extra letter resulting in duplication of letters. This is a good reminder to make sure that once you go through and make edits, check it again to make sure it is actually correct.
It’s time for a review of recent blog posts just in case you’ve missed them. We call this Replay Thursday. Here are posts from Proof That proofreading blog and 60 Is The New 60 blog during the past week.
This was another sign I recently saw for sale. Here is a link to a blog post I wrote on this very topic. This sign should be “Every Day.”
I saw this sign in a Home Goods store recently. It took me a minute looking at it before I was completely confused. I have never heard of a “tog hether,” but I can’t think of why else they would have added the extra “h.” I’d like to know about tog hether because I love to travel and it sounds like a fun place!