After I posted the original Grammar Giggle on this photo, I had several people comment that I had missed some errors. I don’t always point out all of the errors–both to give the author some credit and so it doesn’t overwhelm the reader and make it seem worse than it really is. However, you’ve asked, so here is Hot Mess Memories – Part 2!

- “Drive In” related to a theatre should be hypenated as “drive-in.”
- There is a comma after “Street,” so either the next word should not be capitalized or, probably more appropriately, it should just start a new sentence so that the comma after “Street” should be a period and the next sentence should be reworked.
- An ellipsis is three periods–not just two
- How can “demolished apartments” be built in place of a drive-in? To be fair, apartments did replace the drive-in and they have since been demolished, but demolished apartments were not built in place of the drive-in.
I hope you have learned at least one thing from this Grammar Giggle. That is always my intent. I try hard not to humiliate any author and I use errors we see in public every day as a way to teach you correct grammar and proofreading issues–not to poke fun of anyone who just doesn’t know better. Once we know better, we can all do better!
If we’re going to be really critical, one could say there needs to be a period after “Main Street”. That would then allow for the capitalization of “Opened” to make more sense. In its current format, it’s simply a run on sentence with very little structure (and frankly, makes my head hurt). 🙂 #GrammarLife
“Hot Mess” is no joke! When you first posted it, my eyes went crossed, and it gave me a terrible headache! I could not even comment on the “missed” ones. LOL
I empathize with you not wanting to humiliate the author. I still cringe when someone asks me to proofread emails or something else and need to give it back with several changes/suggestions.
Thank you so much! Your “Grammar Giggles” usually make my day, though I do sit here at my desk and shake my head bemused.
I agree with everything you pointed out. I wonder about the Pioneer Drive In, correction. If I were referencing drive-in theaters generally, I would hyphenate, but the sign itself does not have the hyphen. When using the name as it appear on the sign, should it have been italicized, but left as it appeared? I ask this because I frequently used titles, that may have mistakes, but use them as they appear. Thank you for your insight.
You raise a very good point. You always need to use a business’s name the exact way the business does–even if it is not “proper” grammar. I did actually Google the name and saw it hyphenated, but since the business is closed, it may not have been their preferred style. Thank you for your comment.