Grammar Giggle – At Least Get His Name Right!

I came across this one as I was looking for some information. It seems that if you are talking about an important person who has spent a significant amount of time in your industry, you would try to make sure his name is correct and make sure it is spelled correctly throughout. That is important not only in journalism but in the work we do as well. The very first thing a client will notice is if their name is misspelled. Just take the time to make sure names are spelled correctly. Also, the apostrophe in the second place the name appears is unnecessary and sounds inappropriate in this article. It should say “Luongo (spelled correctly) has also . . ..”

Grammar Giggle – Social Ssecurity Nnumber

My daughter-in-law forwarded this to me. It looks to me like someone was trying to make sure each word was capitalized but forgot to delete the extra letter resulting in duplication of letters. This is a good reminder to make sure that once you go through and make edits, check it again to make sure it is actually correct.

Grammar Giggle – Hero’s

I saw this when I was recently updating some contacts. An apostrophe does not make the word “hero” plural. That would take an “es” to make it “heroes.” The only reason to use an apostrophe in this word is if something belongs to the hero, for example, “He washed the hero’s cape.”

Grammar Giggle – Wrap Sheep

My daughter sent me this breaking news story. Not only is the name of the town spelled incorrectly (it is SantA Fe), but what is a “wrap sheep”? I’m fairly certain that what they meant to say was “rap sheet,” which is defined on as “a record kept by law-enforcement authorities of a person’s arrests and convictions.” This one actually did make me giggle because I keep picturing a sheep in wrapping paper and a nice bow. Again, I feel like this is a result of news agencies rushing things through to be the first out with the story, but surely someone could have taken the time to proofread the headline. Take the time!

Grammar Giggle – Queen Queek

Queen Creek is a local town near me. The first picture is from a daily email I receive with headlines that you click on to get the whole story. The second is the headline from the actual story that you are directed to when you click the link in the email.

It is always important to proofread everything so that the information is correct everywhere.

Grammar Giggle – Let’s Be Sat

I saw this on a recent winery tour. The correct word should be “seated.” “Sit” (and its past tense version, “sat”) means “to be in a position of rest.” “Seated” means “arrange for someone to sit somewhere,” which is what the Hostess would do once you check in with them.

Grammar Giggle – Trash Shoots

This was in a story that was in my Facebook feed recently. I’m sure the word they meant to use was “chutes,” which, according to, means “an inclined channel, as a trough, tube, or shaft, for conveying water, grain, coal, etc., to a lower level.” On the other hand, “shoots” means “to hit, wound, damage, kill, or destroy with a missile discharged from a weapon.” There is another definition of “shoots” that could fit ( “to send forth missiles from a bow, firearm, or the like”). However, that definition, while it might be way more fun, seems like it would leave a big mess if you did it with trash.

Grammar Giggle – Squealing Breaks

This was a local news station “breaking news” alert.

According to, here are the differences:

  • Breaks means to smash, split, or divide into parts violently; reduce to pieces or fragments
  • Brakes are a device for slowing or stopping a vehicle or other moving mechanism by the absorption or transfer of the energy of momentum, usually by means of friction and the drums, shoes, tubes, levers, etc., making up such a device on a vehicle.