Grammar Giggle – Getting Ready for a Thanksgiving Brake!

As we prepare for Thanksgiving Day here in the USA, I found this one on the Internet. Those of you who are regular readers know how little patience I have for errors on school grounds. It’s almost as much patience as I have for errors in tattoos, but I digress. I wish you all a blessed, safe, and happy Thanksgiving holiday.

Thanksgiving Brake

Grammar Giggle – Sorry To Cause Such Inconvience

I captured this picture during a recent trip to the grocery store. It seems that the word “inconvenience” is pretty consistently misspelled on these types of signs. If you’re not positive about the spelling, and you don’t have access to a dictionary, find another word.


Grammar Giggle – A More Appropriate Conclusion

This one is from a response received in our office. Not only is the heading misspelled (because they likely have Word’s “ignore words in uppercase” option checked) but there is no apostrophe showing that the objections actually belong to the Defendants. Check your Word settings to make sure yours are set so that Word doesn’t think (incorrectly!) for you. It’s really difficult not to circle the errors with red pen and send them back.


Grammar Giggle – Résumés Should be Accurate and, In Some Cases, Heavily Edited

A reader sent this one to me. Résumés are a potential employer’s first impression of you so be extra careful to spell check it, read it, and then have someone else read it. Simple spell check would not catch this error. Yes, it’s that important.

res mistake (1)

Grammar Giggle – Accessories for Whom?

I saw this in a Las Vegas shopping area last week while there for the NALS Educational Conference and I was a little confused. Does this store sell Women’s Accessories? Or are they selling accessories to one specific woman making them the Woman’s Accessories (and not selling them to anyone else)? Or are they a new accessory line designed by a person named “Woman”? It was a big sign on the outside of a store to lure you in . . . unless you are as highly disturbed as I am by mistakes that should not be on display in public places in signs that obviously cost a lot of money.

IMG_2366 (2)