Happy National Proofreading Day!

Happy National Proofreading Day!March 8 is National Proofreading Day. It is a day that was created to bring awareness to how important it is to proofread. National Proofreading Day promotes error free writing–and so do I! This message of National Proofreading Day is the message of Proof That proofreading blog and is set out in a blog post entitled “Why Proofreading Is Important.” Please take a minute and just proofread your last email, a text, or the letter you’re working on. It really is important!

Confusing Words of the Week

Words of the WeekIt’s time for “Confusing Words of the Week” where I take a set of two or three words that get confused and give you definitions and try to give you a memory trick to help you remember when to use which word. If you have words that confuse you, use the Ask PTB tab on the website or send an email to [email protected] and they may appear here soon!

This week’s words are:

  • Conscience – the sense of right and wrong

His conscience wouldn’t let him steal the candy bar.

  • Conscious – cognizant; sensible; aware

She was conscious of the man staring at her.

Memory tips:

  • Conscience – The science of the brain knowing the difference between right and wrong
  • Conscious – Contains the letters I C U so you are aware. Conscience does not contain the “U.”

Replay Thursday

Thursday ReplayIt’s time for a review of recent blog posts just in case you’ve missed them. We call this Replay Thursday. Here are posts from Proof That proofreading blog and 60 Is The New 60 blog during the past week.

Grammar Giggle – Tog Hether

Grammar Giggle – Everyday

Confusing Words Of The Week

Grammar In The News – It’s So Gangsta!


Grammar In The News – It’s So Gangsta!

Grammar In TheI love it when grammar issues become a news story. Grammar is important! And apparently so is knowing your slang when you’re on a national game show.



Confusing Words Of The Week

Words of the WeekIt’s time for “Confusing Words of the Week” where I take a set of two or three words that get confused and give you definitions and try to give you a memory trick to help you remember when to use which word. If you have words that confuse you, use the Ask PTB tab on the website or send an email to [email protected] and they may appear here soon!

This week’s words are:

  • Casual – incidental; informal
    • The party attire was casual, so I wore jeans.
  • Causal – causing
    • The casual link to the accident was her cell phone.

Memory tips:

Casual – “You all” (casUAL) are more comfortable in an informal atmosphere

Causal – Root is “cause” so “causal” is “causing”

Grammar Giggle – Everyday

This was another sign I recently saw for sale. Here is a link to a blog post I wrote on this very topic. This sign should be “Every Day.”



Grammar Giggle – Tog Hether

I saw this sign in a Home Goods store recently. It took me a minute looking at it before I was completely confused. I have never heard of a “tog hether,” but I can’t think of why else they would have added the extra “h.” I’d like to know about tog hether because I love to travel and it sounds like a fun place!

Tog Hether

Replay Thursday

Thursday ReplayIt’s time for a review of recent blog posts just in case you’ve missed them. We call this Replay Thursday. Here are posts from Proof That proofreading blog and 60 Is The New 60 blog during the past week.

Grammar Giggle – Movelist

Grammar Giggle – In The Past, I Passed The Top Score

Confusing Words of the Week

I’m Number 2!