Grammar Giggle – Santa Fe, Arizona, and Phoenix, New Mexico?

My daughter snapped this picture of a globe at an indoor flea market. I think she noticed it right away because she grew up in Arizona and now lives in New Mexico . . . or maybe that should be reversed.

Grammar Giggle – Pastrami Rubben

I saw this sign while waiting for lunch at a local eatery. This might have been a choice for me because I love a Reuben sandwich, but I’m not sure what makes it a Rubben sandwich, so I went with something else.

Grammar Giggle – Louisnana

I saw this on another proofreading page I follow on Facebook, but since it is related to the legal field, I had to use it! I did check online to make sure it was legit, and apparently the error first appeared in a subreddit after a Threads post included the picture of a ceremony installing the newest members of the Louisiana Bar Association and the Louisiana Supreme Court Committee. Whoops! As I say, proofread EVERYTHING! And if you send printing out, please carefully review the proof that they send you for approval before printing.

Grammar Giggle – OcotberFest

I’M BACK! With apologies for the very long delay in posting here, I’ve decided that not having a 9-5 regular schedule is not good for me and causes me to “later” every damn thing. But I’m going to try to get back on schedule with this blog. Thanks for the encouragement!

This was a local ad for an Oktoberfest event to be held on Ocotber 26. Since it’s the largest font on the page, it seems that someone should have noticed that.

Grammar Giggle – Social Ssecurity Nnumber

My daughter-in-law forwarded this to me. It looks to me like someone was trying to make sure each word was capitalized but forgot to delete the extra letter resulting in duplication of letters. This is a good reminder to make sure that once you go through and make edits, check it again to make sure it is actually correct.

Grammar Giggle – It’s A Set Up!

I captured this on one of my websites. It just didn’t look right. Research shows that according to Merriam-Webster online dictionary, “set up” is a verb meaning “to put (a machine) in readiness or adjustment for an operation.” The noun “setup” means “the preparation and adjustment of machines for an assigned task.”

In this example, “Website Analytics is not setup” is incorrect. You are talking about the action (verb) of putting your machine in readiness for an operation.

The second example “Setup Website Analytics” is also incorrect because it is also a verb showing the action of putting your machine in readiness for an operation–in this case Website Analytics. I think the only case where “setup” would be correct with the subject Website Analytics is if you were to say “Website Analytics Setup” (the preparation and adjustment of machines for an assigned task–in this case, Website Analytics) with instructions for the actual set up process.

It is definitely confusing, but if you are actually setting something up–like a computer program or app–it is “set up.”