I was able to catch this sign on my way to work recently. It has since been fixed, but was incorrect for several days. Maybe it is a new version of a Walgreens meme or a new name for meme followers. But I’m thinking it was just an error.
I was able to catch this sign on my way to work recently. It has since been fixed, but was incorrect for several days. Maybe it is a new version of a Walgreens meme or a new name for meme followers. But I’m thinking it was just an error.
I was doing a little research on Tombstone, Arizona, as a potential day trip when this jumped out at me on the City’s webpage. I’m most afraid that someone thinks this is correct because it looks the way a lot of people say it–but it’s not.
A dash isn’t just “a dash”—there are different dash lengths—one em, two em, three em, and one en. An em is the width of a capital M and an en is one-half the width of an em.
The em dash can be used:
Image credit: elosa / 123RF Stock Photo
In place of commas
In place of a semicolon
In place of a colon
In place of parentheses
The en dash is half the length of an em dash. You should use the en dash to connect numbers in a range and to mean “up to and including” when used in situations such as:
An en dash is also used as a minus sign.
One would think typing dashes is easy. Not so! Here are some guidelines
That was a lot about the simple dash, but dashes are different from hyphens and should be treated differently. So dash a quick note—using correct dashes—to let me know if you learned something. Then share this post with others who need to know about dashes.
I’m not sure where this one came from, but it’s interesting and a perfect example of looking at things when they are “final” to make sure they are correct. It would be nice in this case to make sure the definition of “rollback” means that it WAS higher and has been rolled BACK so that it is now less expensive.
This one came from Twitter. It is hard to believe that not only did a sign maker make the error, but the business owner has not removed it and demanded that it be corrected.
A few weeks ago, a blog post went over several words that are frequently confused by writers (See More Confusing Words!). Here are a few more:
casual – informal
causal – causing
cereal – breakfast food
serial – a series
choose – to select
chose – did choose (past tense of choose)
cite – to quote
site – a place
sight – to see
click – a slight, sharp sound
clique – an exclusive group
cliché – a trite phrase
collision – coming violently together
collusion – fraudulent scheme
complement – something that goes well with something
compliment – a flattering remark
council – a body of persons specially designated or selected for a purpose
counsel – an attorney; to give advice
consul – a foreign representative
cue – hint
queue – a line, especially people waiting their turn
dairy – cows and milking equipment
diary – a journal of daily activities
It’s always important to make sure you are using the same words, particularly when they are easily confused. Take the time to look up definitions if necessary to make sure you are using the correct word.
Apparently, according to this news story, only one teacher across the nation is striking. That is because they made the singular word teacher possessive by adding apostrophe “s” rather than making the plural word teachers possessive by just adding an apostrophe. It seems that a strike would be so much more effective if multiple teachers across this great nation were involved.