Grammar Giggle – Statues

i was looking up information about payroll reports when I came across this error which jumped out at me. It is proof that you can’t trust spell check. Both words are spelled correctly. I have trouble with “statues” instead of “statutes” sometimes too, but I check to make sure I have them right. And I’m not a government entity directing the public to the actual statute!


Grammar Giggle – News Is Hard

My favorite source of Grammar Giggles (my local news station) had a pretty difficult time of it the other night. Three Grammar Giggles in one news story!

The first picture had me looking twice. I didn’t think her name was Steven, but the banner covered her actual nameplate and I just wasn’t sure:


Then they went to the next person:

IMG_2719-1This still could be a name issue, except now I can see the nameplate. OK, so they got the names mixed up. But then


It was a story about the Litchfield Park School District, which they got right in one place, but one would think that the name of the street in LITCHFIELD Park would be LITCHFIELD (which it is).

Three strikes, you’re out!

Grammar Giggle – You’re What Makes Me Shake My Head!

I found this on Etsy while I was looking for a gift. It was for sale. REALLY! This is the number one thing on Facebook that makes me crazy–particularly when looking at young peoples’ posts. I think only 1% of people under 20 (and a small number of people over 20) know the correct way to say “YOU’RE” when they mean “you are” rather than “YOUR” when they mean “belonging to you.” But now you know . . .


Grammar Giggle – Pineapple Corer/Slicer . . . I Think

My husband grilled pineapple for the first time this week and while he hated getting the pineapple ready, he loved the taste of it. To make the job easier next time, we ordered a pineapple corer/slicer from Amazon. It came today and I was looking at the packaging to try to figure out how it works. It is hard to figure that out because there are so many errors in the packaging. Then I had one more question–where are the periods? Hopefully the actual device works better than the company’s proofreader!

Pineapple corer slicer

Grammar Giggle – Do Not Poor Liquid In The Trys

At a stop in Quartzsite, Arizona, on our way to Disneyland, I saw this sign on a drink fountain. There were several of the signs throughout the store on all of the drink dispensing fountains, so at least they were consistent. They were just consistently horribly wrong.

Drip Trys

Grammar Giggle – We Except Your Offer Accept It Was A Little Low

This was forwarded to me by a friend in another law firm who received it from opposing counsel in one of their cases. I understand some words are confusing, but if you struggle, take the time to learn them. Accept means to take or to receive and except means to exclude. So effectively what the attorney is saying in this letter is that his client will exclude the offer, which I would take to mean he did not want to accept it. Somehow, I don’t think that is what the attorney had in mind.
